Understanding the Mother Wound and Its Impact on Romantic Relationships

Mother wound and romantic relationships The mother wound is an emotional mark from childhood that has a big effect on many parts of our lives, especially our relationships with other people. By understanding this complicated relationship, we can heal from the wound that was done and make new relationships that are healthier and more satisfying. We'll talk more about the mother wound, how it shows up, and what you can do to break its hold on your love relationships below. What is the Mother Wound? "Mother wounds" are emotional wounds or unmet needs from childhood that are primarily the result of one's relationship with one's mother or primary caregiver. People often pass on these wounds to their children without meaning to. This can happen because of past trauma, social pressures, or the mother's unresolved emotional problems. The mother wound is different for each person, but it often makes it hard to love, trust, and set limits in adult relationships. You ...